…And so are you

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Sovereignty. What does it mean, and how do you claim it for yourself in a practical way that you can easily apply in your day to day life? 

The best way to get to the true meaning of a word is to take it back to its origins. Sovereign comes from the Latin words super, meaning “above”, and regnum, meaning “control or rulership”. Therefore, sovereign literally means “above rulership or control”. 

How many of us are sovereign? What makes a person such? 

Historically, the word has been attributed to royalty. Kings and Queens are sovereign titles implying that one can only be born to such a position. Well, that’s partially true. A sovereign being is born that way. Where humans have misappropriated the term is in the implication that it is a title to be reserved for a few at the exclusion of all others. 

All sentient beings are sovereign.

Sentient comes from the Latin verb sentire, which means “to feel” and is related to the noun sensus, meaning “feeling” or “sense”. 

You are a sentient being. You are human. And you are sovereign. You were born that way. For those of us who grew up in the United States, the notion of Natural Law is embedded in our Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Let’s take a closer look at this famous sentence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident…


Meaning inherent, obvious, clearly known and understood. 

…that all men [read: humans] are created equal…


Meaning no one has the right to rule over or control another. We are all born to the same status, regardless of your family’s bank account, the kind of car your father drives, the size of your house, or the clothes on your back. You are not better than anyone else and no one is better than you. We are equal. 

I would also add that we are unique. Each individual has unique gifts, personality, and characteristics that makes him or her unique, but these do not make them better or worse than another. And nothing or no one gives you or another the right to rule over anything except yourself. 

…that they [read: humans] are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…

Endowed by [our] Creator.

The founding fathers of the United States make direct reference to a higher power. A divine power. This is no accident and it’s not religious folly either. Allow me to draw the line in the sand now so that there can be no mistake. 

You, your brother, your cousin, your neighbor down the street, can believe in anything we choose. You can believe in Allah, or in Jesus Christ. You can believe aliens descended 10,000 years ago and built the pyramids. You can believe the sky is green or that rain falls up, it has absolutely no effect on Truth. The truth of what IS. 

Conversely, you don’t have to believe in anything at all. You can say it’s all a bunch of hooey and only believe in what you can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. You can say only science has a sway over you and if it hasn’t been proved and published in a ‘reputable’ journal, then you’re not buying it. And still, it will have absolutely zero effect on Truth. The truth of what IS. 

When it comes to religion, many atrocities have been committed against human beings in the name of ‘God’. People are still persecuting each other over the perceived notion that one ‘God’ is better or more in alignment with truth than another. At best, it’s foolishness, at worst, it’s an outright crime against humanity. In light of such controversiality within religious dogmas, many people prefer to leave well enough alone—keeping their beliefs to themselves. In the west, people are free to believe what they want, and freedom of religion is something for which men and women have given their lives.

But science is another story. For all intents and purposes, Darwin’s theory of evolution has been propagated as fact. Yet science still does not call it a Law. That’s because it has yet to be proven. So why do most people accept it as an absolute truth? And why have no other theories been put forth by mainstream science?

Meanwhile, gravity is considered a Law. Why? Because anyone, anywhere, anytime on planet Earth can discover this Law for themselves and prove it. It is not dependent upon belief. It can be, and has been, easily discovered, proved and known. Which brings me to my next point…

The Universe Is Governed By Laws

Natural Laws. 

Who put these Laws into place? The philosophers can debate that later. 

Instead, let’s think of it like this:

You are alive. You are a sentient being. 

The animals are alive. They are sentient beings. 

Plants are alive. They are sentient beings.

Stones are alive. They are sentient beings. 

The Earth is alive. She is a sentient being. 

The Sun is alive. He is a sentient being. 

On and on it goes, our entire universe is alive. It is a sentient being.
(Remember, all sentient means is that something is imbued with consciousness, can feel and sense.)

We can take it even further with Quantum Mechanics, by stating that the entire Multiverse is alive. It is made up of sentient beings. But one universe is tricky enough, wouldn’t you agree? 

Let’s bring it back to sovereignty. If all sentient beings are sovereign, meaning created equal and above rulership or control of another, and our universe is made up of sentient beings, does that mean none of us has any right whatsoever to own or control another, including beings in the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms? 


The indigenous tribes understood this basic truth. We are but visitors on this planet. In fact, we are intended to be guardians of her. To protect her, help her, and grow with her. The Earth, and all her creatures, are governed by the Natural Laws of the Universe. Just like gravity, these laws can be easily discovered and known. And just like gravity, they affect you regardless of whether you believe in them. A true Law is not affected by time, or belief, or faith. They are lasting and they are eternal. 

The Earth and all her creatures, plants and animals live in harmony with these laws. Except humans. We are the only sentient beings on the planet who live in direct opposition to them and it’s killing us. Between warring with ourselves externally, we war with ourselves internally. We’re anxious and depressed. We have self-esteem issues, we care about all the wrong things and not enough or at all about the things that do matter, like the last part of that initial statement in the Declaration of Independence. 

…Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. 

Life. Liberty. Happiness. 

Notice how the founding fathers capitalized these key words.
How many of us are addicted to our phones, to social media apps, to ‘keeping up with the Joneses’? How many of us are dissatisfied in our jobs? Unhappy in our relationships? How many of us feel free? Sovereign? How many of us even care?

Sovereignty Is Your Birthright.

You are sovereign, whether you like it or not, and whether you choose to claim it or not. As assuredly as the sky is blue and the grass is green, you are sovereign. 

So why don’t we live in a society of free beings? Why are we divided? Why do a few control most of humanity? Why do a few people claim they own most of the land? And why are we putting up with it?

There is another statement in the Declaration of Independence that is not as famous. 

“…all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

Plainly worded, it means that all our experience has shown that human beings are more willing and likely to suffer, and would rather tolerate evils, than right themselves if doing so means bringing an end to the forms to which they are familiar, i.e. governments, institutions, and cultural customs. 

In other words, it’s easier and more comfortable to let someone else tell you what to think and do than to take on the responsibility of thinking and deciding for yourself. 

So back to my previous question. Why do we live in a world of violence, scarcity, cruelty, and tyranny? 

In short, because we choose to. 

We, the People. We, the People. We hold the power. It is within us. It is our birthright. All of us. Not just people born within the borders of the land called the United States. All of us. 

To claim your sovereignty all you need to do is know and understand on a visceral, subconscious level who you are. That you were born with Rights. That the only thing you own in this world is your body and any property you may rightfully purchase. No one can tell you what to do with your body, including what to put in it or keep out of it. 

Once you know this, stand up proudly and speak the following words, “I Am Sovereign.” 

Feel the resonance of these words travel throughout your being.

I Am Sovereign.”

Know that what you speak is absolute Truth.

I Am Sovereign.”

From this day forward, you have claimed your sovereignty and all the responsibility that comes with it. One who is consciously sovereign has come into alignment with him or herself. She or he no longer wars internally. They are beings of honesty and integrity, both with themselves and with others. 

As you may have guessed, there is more to it than simply making a statement. Claiming your sovereignty is a way of life. A way of being. It’s the pathway that holds the key to unlocking the prison doors of poverty, slavery, and tyranny. 

There is but one golden rule in this glorious sea of sovereign freedom: 


Just as no one has the right to commit violence against you, i.e. initiating harmful force, you do not have the right to commit harm against another. All actions are legal under Natural Law except those that cause harm to another sentient being. Remember this and your blunders will be slight. 

At the end of the day, everything comes down to choice in this free will universe. You can choose to be a slave to your job, to your government, to your television screen, or you can choose to break free from those who would be your rulers. You can choose differently than your forefathers and foremothers. You are not bound by any limitations except the ones you assign. All is perspective. 

For my part, I choose to claim my freedom, my sovereignty, my inherent Right to Life, Liberty, and Happiness. What will you choose? 




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